Kattling on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kattling/art/FREE-Bouncy-Shiny-Pokemon-Pack-15-10-13-407568982Kattling

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Kattling's avatar

FREE Bouncy Shiny Pokemon Pack 15.10.13


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EDIT EDIT: Shiny Fennekin is fixed, the old version becomes nothing but a myth to everyone who didn't manage to grab it earlier. ;D
Thank you to the people who sent me things to show me the right colour!

I've got to apologise for this one being out a few hours later than it should be. :'C I got up really early to release it, because it was meant to be uploaded tomorrow night and a combination of missing/half broken files, run down tablet and mouse, no shops that sell batteries in the whole city, apparently, and I guess, a bit of a poorly foot that stopped my search from continuing. That shiny Fennekin? Enjoy it - I did it all on my laptop trackpad last night. X'D Took several hours longer than it would've done if none of the above things had gone wrong.
Enough complaining, enjoy these babies! C:

This pack contains eight shiny Pokemon icons, the ones you see above. Some have been lengthened in the preview image, just so they all work together. The icons in the pack are the same length as their non-shiny partners, so check those out if it's really that important to you. C: All should be small enough in file size to be used as icons on DeviantArt. I have tested all of them, but some of them managed to grow a bit in the transfer from my computer to laptop. I think I sorted out all of the problematic ones, but if you have any trouble, I'm here all day, and I'll fix it right away. C:

Also, I'm still up for battles!: 3480-3113-7537
Just post your friend code, and once we've added eachother we can do all that fancy stuff. C:

More icons in my Pixel Icon Gallery~!

Terms of use:
:bulletblack: Please do not reupload (either as a pack or as seperate icons), claim as your own, etc. Believe me, I will find you and you will get reported.
:bulletblack: Please do not trace over, edit or modify in any way - if you want custom ones, I do commissions every now and then.
:bulletblack: This icon is free to use as your DeviantART icon, but please credit me in your signature or on your DeviantART page. C:
:bulletblack: Please comment below if you used it, just so I can check that you're doing so in accordance with the terms and conditions. C:
:bulletblack: If you see anyone violating these rules, please tell me~ Art theft is a crime~
:bulletblack: Have fun~

How to use~:
1. Click 'Download File'. I think a little window comes up so you can save it to your computer.
2. The pack contains eight icons - choose which one you want and drag it out of the .zip file.
3. Upload it as your icon on DeviantArt. C: (and credit me please!)
4. Delete the other ones or keep them for later, haha, up to you.
© 2013 - 2024 Kattling
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ChibiTacoLord's avatar

I unfortunately can't get it to work :C